When life hands you lemons... Picture by CW
Friday, May 18, 2012
Another Year Older
Add another candle to the birthday cake! I can't believe I'm 41-years-old; I sure don't feel like it, and I certainly don't act like one. Although, come to think of it, how is a 41-year-old supposed to act? I still feel like the 14-year-old girl from my youth. Who still loves Duran Duran with a passion, and am currently listening to them on Spotify. Boy, I would have been in trouble even more so if we had the internet back then. As it is, I spend way too much time on it. By the way, I think I appreciate Duran Duran more now than ever. Their music is truly genius. So much more than teeny-bopper bubble-gum pop. I've really listened to the music lately, and some of those tracks of theirs are artistically and musically some of the best music I've ever heard. But I digress...
I have enjoyed each and every birthday wish I've received, it makes me realize that there are many awesome people out there. Even the little blurbs on my Facebook page have brought a smile to my face. Each and every person that has stopped by has taken a moment out of their day to post birthday wishes. It definitely makes this girl feel great! It makes me feel so loved, and that's all we want in this world, right? Love and happiness!
Sadly, time does march on though. My oldest pointed out that I was 34 when he started high school. Holy crap! How is that possible? I was 34 yesterday. But you know what? That is okay. Time will march on, as it does for each and every one of us. I, for one, wake up cherishing each day; thankful for my health, my family, and my friends. I hope to continue this journey through life with unexpected surprises around the corner. And I hope you all will continue this journey with me, as I will with you. Love to you all.