It was that time of year again; that time of year to have my date with the mammography equipment at the Goppert Center for Breast Care. Everyone is so pleasant as you walk in, but if you look hard enough, you can see the demon faces hiding behind the masks of pleasantries. Sitting in the waiting room at least there was no one else to spend awkward moments while waiting to enter the torture chamber. Casually I flip through a magazine, biding my time until one of the she-devils calls my name. Sweetly she lures me from the safety of a well-lit room. Crossing the threshold, and quickly I find myself lured into a quiescent holding area. Somewhere in the distance I swear I can hear the screaming of the lost souls, but the tranquility of the dimly lit chamber lulls me into subservient bliss. I'm ordered to remove my top and bra. "Slip on the gown," she whispers, "and have a seat. It won't be long." Slipping my bra off, I try to think why I am exposing myself. Sliding on the lovely pink gown, buttoning up the front, as the cool cloth rubs my skin, is yet another calming act. Perhaps this won't be too bad. It is a lovely top, and a lovely place, I convince myself it will be alright. "Follow me, and this will be done as quickly as possible." Slowly I approach the beast, staring in abject horror, yet unable to look away at the mouth of the beast. I know I am being served up as a sacrifice, and yet there is no escape. I am locked in the room. Tattooed on its skin is her name. "Selenia." The script is lovely, almost comforting, persuading me that she is a harmless being. Dropping my gown, exposing myself to her vise-grip mouth, I am pushed, prodded, and told to contort myself to fit in her mouth. Slowly the she-devil coaxes Selenia's mouth to close tighter and tighter. Strangely, the pain isn't too bad, and I find myself managing the beast. "Hold your breath, don't move, you are almost done." The she-devil convinces me I will survive this torture. I somehow believe her. She is right, and soon informs me that I am done. I am instructed to dress and to have a great day. A great day? After what I just went through? As I was exiting the chambers of hell, the sweet-faced demon shouts out, "See you next year." I will see you again next year "Selenia," and will be prepared for another walk in your chamber of horrors.
When life hands you lemons... Picture by CW
Friday, May 25, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
No Apologies
A friend and fellow blogger posted "15 things I will never apologize for," and this motivated me to ponder the 15 things I wouldn't apologize about myself. As I'm more of a write on-the-fly writer, so here's my answers in no specific order.
1. My laid-back attitude--I try not to sweat the small things, take them as they come, and roll with the punches.
2. Food--I like to eat. I like to make food. I like to scour the internet for new recipes, new restaurants, and am willing to try just about anything. Well, with the exception of durian. That'll never cross these lips.
3. Cleaning--I would rather be playing than cleaning. No, I don't live in a hoarders house, and I try to keep it picked up, minus papers on the counter, pillows out of whack or a dish in the sink! I clean, but I also don't freak out when there's a sock on the floor.
4. Parenting style--We can all be outside observers and criticize others for their parenting decisions. Ultimately, unless you are in the same situation, please don't judge me. I'm trying the best I can, and love my kids unabashedly, and will do what I can for them.
5. My love of reading & books--I love reading. I'm open to just about any genre, and love paranormal with a passion. I'm still "old school" with my love of books. I haven't decided if I could ever get an e-reader, unless someone wants to buy me one! I've amassed my collection of favorite authors, and really need a bookshelf to proudly display them. Those I don't buy, I love hitting the library and browsing the shelves, and now thanks to the Goodreads website and its suggestions based on my reading style, I'm finding even more to read! :)
6. Television--I am addicted to television. Some are quality shows, and some are pure train wrecks! And it pisses me off when networks get rid of said quality shows, e.g. Friday Night Lights. NBC really screwed up when they didn't give this show the credit it deserved. Oh well, I still have plenty of others to watch.
7. Laughter--I love to laugh. I have a rather dorky laugh, but I don't care. Tie in to #6, and every Sunday I'm watching AFV. I can never get enough of that show. One of the best things to do is laugh until I cry, until my cheeks and sides hurt... that is the best.
8. Alone time--I enjoy my peace and quiet, and like being by myself at times. It gives me time to reflect, to center myself, and drown out outside drama. This is usually done when I'm "wogging" with my dog--walk/jog. It helps to work out the frustrations!
9. Music--I love music, love listening to it, and am not afraid to sing at the top of my lungs in the car. Not sure if I can carry a tune, but dammit I know the words,and if I don't, well I fake it! I love going to concerts, watching performances, and even breaking out into a dance when no one is around, and I loved dancing with my kids when they were little.
10. My children--They are imperfect creatures, but perfectly perfect in my eyes. They have their flaws, but I look at them in awe. They each have their strengths and weaknesses, and I hope I can always be there to help them along this path of life.
11. Being a brat--I was lucky enough to have been born into a military family. I loved the lifestyle, and being able to travel and see so many things. So, go ahead and call me a brat. It's a good thing.
12. My family--we ain't the Cleavers, but my family is the only one I have. Again, flaws and all, I will love them forever.
13. My nerdiness--Yes, I am a geek, or a closet geek. I've especially embraced my geekiness since I went back to school. I am proud of all the A's that I earned!
14. Random facts I know--Can't help it, I pick up on random things and store them in the noggin.
15. Wheel of Fortune--One of these days I should try out for it. I rock on solving the puzzles from the couch!
Thanks Tina for your blog, it definitely got me thinking about things I will never apologize for!
PS,I thought of one other thing. I love animals! Those that live in the home, at the zoo, and that are outdoors!
1. My laid-back attitude--I try not to sweat the small things, take them as they come, and roll with the punches.
2. Food--I like to eat. I like to make food. I like to scour the internet for new recipes, new restaurants, and am willing to try just about anything. Well, with the exception of durian. That'll never cross these lips.
3. Cleaning--I would rather be playing than cleaning. No, I don't live in a hoarders house, and I try to keep it picked up, minus papers on the counter, pillows out of whack or a dish in the sink! I clean, but I also don't freak out when there's a sock on the floor.
4. Parenting style--We can all be outside observers and criticize others for their parenting decisions. Ultimately, unless you are in the same situation, please don't judge me. I'm trying the best I can, and love my kids unabashedly, and will do what I can for them.
5. My love of reading & books--I love reading. I'm open to just about any genre, and love paranormal with a passion. I'm still "old school" with my love of books. I haven't decided if I could ever get an e-reader, unless someone wants to buy me one! I've amassed my collection of favorite authors, and really need a bookshelf to proudly display them. Those I don't buy, I love hitting the library and browsing the shelves, and now thanks to the Goodreads website and its suggestions based on my reading style, I'm finding even more to read! :)
6. Television--I am addicted to television. Some are quality shows, and some are pure train wrecks! And it pisses me off when networks get rid of said quality shows, e.g. Friday Night Lights. NBC really screwed up when they didn't give this show the credit it deserved. Oh well, I still have plenty of others to watch.
7. Laughter--I love to laugh. I have a rather dorky laugh, but I don't care. Tie in to #6, and every Sunday I'm watching AFV. I can never get enough of that show. One of the best things to do is laugh until I cry, until my cheeks and sides hurt... that is the best.
8. Alone time--I enjoy my peace and quiet, and like being by myself at times. It gives me time to reflect, to center myself, and drown out outside drama. This is usually done when I'm "wogging" with my dog--walk/jog. It helps to work out the frustrations!
9. Music--I love music, love listening to it, and am not afraid to sing at the top of my lungs in the car. Not sure if I can carry a tune, but dammit I know the words,and if I don't, well I fake it! I love going to concerts, watching performances, and even breaking out into a dance when no one is around, and I loved dancing with my kids when they were little.
10. My children--They are imperfect creatures, but perfectly perfect in my eyes. They have their flaws, but I look at them in awe. They each have their strengths and weaknesses, and I hope I can always be there to help them along this path of life.
11. Being a brat--I was lucky enough to have been born into a military family. I loved the lifestyle, and being able to travel and see so many things. So, go ahead and call me a brat. It's a good thing.
12. My family--we ain't the Cleavers, but my family is the only one I have. Again, flaws and all, I will love them forever.
13. My nerdiness--Yes, I am a geek, or a closet geek. I've especially embraced my geekiness since I went back to school. I am proud of all the A's that I earned!
14. Random facts I know--Can't help it, I pick up on random things and store them in the noggin.
15. Wheel of Fortune--One of these days I should try out for it. I rock on solving the puzzles from the couch!
Thanks Tina for your blog, it definitely got me thinking about things I will never apologize for!
PS,I thought of one other thing. I love animals! Those that live in the home, at the zoo, and that are outdoors!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Another Year Older
Add another candle to the birthday cake! I can't believe I'm 41-years-old; I sure don't feel like it, and I certainly don't act like one. Although, come to think of it, how is a 41-year-old supposed to act? I still feel like the 14-year-old girl from my youth. Who still loves Duran Duran with a passion, and am currently listening to them on Spotify. Boy, I would have been in trouble even more so if we had the internet back then. As it is, I spend way too much time on it. By the way, I think I appreciate Duran Duran more now than ever. Their music is truly genius. So much more than teeny-bopper bubble-gum pop. I've really listened to the music lately, and some of those tracks of theirs are artistically and musically some of the best music I've ever heard. But I digress...
I have enjoyed each and every birthday wish I've received, it makes me realize that there are many awesome people out there. Even the little blurbs on my Facebook page have brought a smile to my face. Each and every person that has stopped by has taken a moment out of their day to post birthday wishes. It definitely makes this girl feel great! It makes me feel so loved, and that's all we want in this world, right? Love and happiness!
Sadly, time does march on though. My oldest pointed out that I was 34 when he started high school. Holy crap! How is that possible? I was 34 yesterday. But you know what? That is okay. Time will march on, as it does for each and every one of us. I, for one, wake up cherishing each day; thankful for my health, my family, and my friends. I hope to continue this journey through life with unexpected surprises around the corner. And I hope you all will continue this journey with me, as I will with you. Love to you all.
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